Subject: REPS: V2.3 Lead Mgmt. & Marketin Author: IDEAL Software, Inc. Uploaded By: Shumway Date: 3/1/1995 File: REPS23.EXE (338443 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 660 Needs: 640K, Hard Disk, DOS 3.3 or higher Keywords: IDEAL, Renter, Retirement, Housing, Apartment, Business, Management, Property, Marketing This file is Self-Extracting - requires 841,000 bytes Keywords: IDEAL, Renter, Retirement, Housing, Apartment, Business, Management, Property, Marketing REPS Lead Management and Marketing Analysis Software is designed specifically for the retirement housing industry. This is a demo of this easy to use and fully PC compatible program. REPS supports single users, multi-community users and local area networks. Allows complete control over marketing: - Convert more leads and reduce vacancies - Track the sales process from first inquiry to final sale - Generate daily and weekly action reports - Monitor cost-per-lead and cost-per-sale figures Note: While this is a DOS version, the authors report that REPS 3.0 for Windows will be available soon. To run, type: REPSDEMO Documentation: on-line help